CHW FACTORY is the business unit dedicated to provide a complete service to our clients covering each of the stages necessary to initiate and conclude a purchasing order in China successfully, minimizing the risks associated with commercial transactions in a country with a different culture, way of thinking and ways of doing business with Occidental markets. With our experience in Asian markets, and specifically our expertise in China, this allows CHW to develop direct commercial relationships with leading factories creating value for the benefit of our customers and partners.



Supplier Selection:

  1. Search and selection of suppliers according to established parameters.

  2. Presentation of the top three suppliers identified with their respective contributions to the cause of product purchase.

Project development for suppliers:

  1. Product analysis and development criteria according to established parameters.

  2. Identifying qualified suppliers to manufacture the product through search criteria of product parameters.

  3. Presentation of the top three suppliers identified to develop the product and their respective contributions to the product being of the search.

  4. Audit supplier, prior to confirmation by the client, by sending an inspector from our company to the premises of the manufacturing factory selected.